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Your Host
Ant Willis
With a backgound in e-commerce sales and technology, Ant has always been fascinated by the stories behind success!
It all started at a young age, he was never really interested in big houses or nice cars, but he was interested in the story behind how this person managed to afford such luxuries.
Fast forward a few years after having kids of his own and seeing the rise in social media, he noticed that all anyone posts about is what their success has bought them! We don’t hear about the failures, the struggles, the mental strain, the sacrifices etc, we just see the nice car, the holiday destination or the fancy meal out….
All of this ended up culminating into a fascination in the detail behind the success and how interesting, inspiring and helpful to others journeys it is to hear about this side of the story, AKA the Grind.
Ant developed a passion and so the Grind Diaries Podcast was born.
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